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2022 Edition
The most important
agribusiness event
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2022 Edition
Adrian Oros - Transilvania Food Summit 2022
Geta Pașcan - Transilvania Food Summit 2022
Avram Fițiu - Transilvania Food Summit 2022
Anca Marcu - Transilvania Food Summit 2022
Dani Frei - Transilvania Food Summit 2022
Mihail Dumitru - Transilvania Food Summit 2022 (Part 1)
Mihail Dumitru - Transilvania Food Summit 2022 (Part 2)
Ramon Armengol - Transilvania Food Summit 2022 (Part 1)
Ramon Armengol - Transilvania Food Summit 2022 (Part 2)
Ramon Armengol - Transilvania Food Summit 2022 (Part 3)
Florentin Bercu - Transilvania Food Summit 2022 (Part 1)
Florentin Bercu - Transilvania Food Summit 2022 (Part 2)
Stefan Padure - Transilvania Food Summit 2022
Gabriela Girboan - Transilvania Food Summit 2022 (Part 1)
Gabriela Girboan - Transilvania Food Summit 2022 (Part 2)
Nicu Bum - Transilvania Food Summit 2022
Veronica Baciu - Transilvania Food Summit 2022
Marius Micu - Transilvania Food Summit 2022
Narcis Pintea - Transilvania Food Summit 2022
Stefan Gadola - Transilavania Food Summit 2022
Iulia Dragut - Transilvania Food Summit 2022
Valentin Adrian Balteanu - Transilvania Food Summit 2022 (Part 1)
Valentin Adrian Balteanu - Transilvania Food Summit 2022 (Part 2)
Valentin Adrian Balteanu - Transilvania Food Summit 2022 (Part 3)
Transilvania Food Summit
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About the event
A unique opportunity for promotion and networking between farmers, businessmen, representatives of central and local authorities as well as building long-term business relationships.
6-8 October 2022
University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine in Cluj-Napoca
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Renowned guests will participate in the event, who will contribute to debates on topical issues in agribusiness, sustainable food production, beverage production, retail and HoReCa, rural development, circular economy in the context of the global economic crisis. The main objective of the Transylvania Food Summit is to bring together the academic environment, the administrative environment, the business environment, civil society and specialists from key fields, to present their strategies regarding the consolidation of Romanian farmers in the agri-food chain, the promotion of traditional Romanian products, the promotion of traditions cultural and gastronomic Transylvanian, increasing consumer confidence in Romanian and local food products.
The importance of the summit hosted by USAMV Cluj-Napoca is highlighted by the academic side of the debates, supported by professors and researchers in the agri-food field from Universities and Research Institutes in the country and Europe, the Romanian Academy, the Academy of Agricultural and Forestry Sciences.
The list of participants in the event includes farmers and groups/associations of agricultural producers, LAGs, manufacturers and retailers of machinery for agriculture and the food industry, processors and associations in the food industry, representatives of food retail companies, representatives of HoReCa associations, representatives of local and central, national and international authorities, executives from the financial-banking, IT, legal fields.
Representatives of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development, the Ministry of Environment, Water and Forests, and the Ministry of Investments and European Projects will also participate in the summit
There will be representatives of the European Commission (DG Agri and DG Regio) and the European Parliament, as well as COPA-COGEGA, the structure that represents the interests of farmers and cooperatives at European level.
During the event, a fair of traditional local products and local artisans will be held on the USAMV campus. Ensembles and artists promoting Transylvanian cultural traditions will join the participants at the event.
Event timetable
Day 1
October 6, 2023
Aula Mihai Şerban, USAMV Cluj-Napoca
» 9.00 - 10.00 Reception and registration of participants
» 10.00 - 10.30 Event opening - Welcoming words
» 10.30 - 11.30 Sustainable local food systems - Rural-urban connections. Short food supply chains. The role of Local Action Groups (LAG)
Delia Fazakas - GAL Lider Bistrița Năsăud
Remus Ionuț Ilieș - GAL Valea Someșului
Adina Pasarel -USAMV Cluj
Bogdan Alecu - MADR
Ioana Turean - GAL Podișul Mediașului
Ștefania Pietrosu - SCP Cojocaru&Asociații
» 11.30 - 12.00 Coffee break
» 12.00 - 13.30 Innovation and research in agriculture
Applications of genomic testing in animal genetic resource management and food traceability - CSI Dr Ing. Valentin Adrian Bâlteanu.
Laboratory of Genomics, Biodiversity, Animal Molecular Breeding, and Pathology. USAMV CLUJ-NAPOCA
» 13.30 - 14.30 Lunch
» 14.30 - 15.30 Innovative agri-food businesses.
The role of partnerships and cooperatives in strengthening the presence of producers and processors in the market.
Ionel Arion - Pro Agro
Lucian Naș - Someș Arieș Cooperative
Anca Marcu - Cooperative
Dorel Secară - Farmer
Emil Turdean - Farmer
» 15.30 - 16.30 Promotion of Romanian agri-food products. European quality schemes (IGP, DOP, STG) and national quality schemes. The presence of Romanian foods in HoReCa and retail chains.
Viviana Bandol - ANZM
Narcis Pintea - Narcheese
Bogdan Negrescu- Turma
Horeca Cluj Napoca
» 16.30 - 17.30 Visit to the Traditional Autumn Fair - USAMV Cluj Napoca Campus
» 18.00 - 22.00 Traditional Transylvanian Dinner - Biodiversity Center - USAMV Cluj Napoca Campus
Day 2
October 7, 2023
» Perspectives on Organic Agriculture in Romania and Europe - National Action Plan for the Development of Organic Production
Aula Mihai Şerban, USAMV Cluj-Napoca
» 8.30 - 9.00 Reception and registration of participants
» 9.00 - 10.00 Welcome speeches
Prof. univ. dr. Nechita Adrian OROS, Vice-Rector USAMV Cluj-Napoca, former Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development
Prof. univ. dr. Cornel CĂTOI, Rector USAMV Cluj-Napoca
Prof. univ. dr. Roxana VIDICAN, Dean - Faculty of Agricultural Sciences, USAMV Cluj-Napoca
Dr. ing. István VÁKÁR, Vice-President of Cluj County Council
Dr. ing. Miklos NAGY, President of the Biofarmers Association of Romania BIOTERRA
Dr. ing. Csaba SEBESTYÉN, President of the Association of Hungarian Farmers of Romania
Dr. ing. Viorel GHERCIU, former Minister of Agriculture and Food Industry, Republic of Moldova
Dr. Ing. Gábor SOLTI, President of the Farmers' Union of the Carpathian Basin, Republic of Hungary
Dr. László PALIK, General Manager - SC Biocentrum SRL, Slovakia
» 10.00 - 11.00 Silvia Hicea (MADR): National Action Plan for the Development of Organic Production in Romania
» 11.00 - 11.30 Coffee break
» 11.30-13.45 Perspectives on the National Action Plan for the Development of Organic Production in Romania
Prof. univ. dr. Vasile STOLERU, Vice-Rector - University of Life Sciences "Ion Ionescu de la Brad," Iași
Lector dr. Avraham Marian CIOCEANU - Ecological University Bucharest, President of the BIO-ROMÂNIA Association
Conf. dr. Lianu COSTIN, Vice-Rector - Spiru Haret University Bucharest, President of the INTER-BIO Association
Dr. ing. Iurie SENIC, former Secretary of State at MAIA, Republic of MOLDOVA
Dr. ing. Ion TONCEA, researcher - INCDA Fundulea and President of FNAE and ARAD
Ing. Aurel PETRUȘ, administrator SC Eco Fruct SRL - Ștefan cel Mare, Călărași County
Ing. Liliana CIOBANU, General Manager - SC ECOCERT SRL București
» 13.45 - 14.00 Evaluation of the results. Closing of the session
Amfiteatrul Regina Maria - Institute for Life Sciences
» 10.30 - 11.30 Developing the AKIS network in the mountainous area
Marius Micu - Copa COGECA
Mugur Jitea -USAMV Cluj
Bogdan Alecu -MADR
» 11.30 - 12.30 Funding opportunities for young entrepreneurs in agriculture.
Bogdan Alecu - MADR
Delia Șelaru - GAL Lider Bistrița-Năsăud
Camelia Sandor
» 12.30 - 13.00 Coffee break
» 13.00 - 14.00 Success stories - Networking between Alumni and students
Amfiteatrul Regele Ferdinand - Institute for Life Sciences
» 11.00-12.00 Gastronomic Heritage
» 12.00- 13.00 Symbolism and heraldry in the regional promotion of agri-food products.
» 14.00-16.00 Traditional Transylvanian Lunch
Day 3
October 8, 2023
» 09.00 - 10.30 Conclusions and closing of the event
Special guests
Mihail Dumitru
Director General Adjunct DG AGRI
Prof. Dr. Cornel Cătoi
Rector USAMV Cluj
Acad. Doru Pamfil
Președinte al Academiei Române Filiala Cluj
Ioan Boloș
Ministrul Investițiilor și Proiectelor Europene
Ramon Armengol
Președinte COGECA - Confederația Generală a Cooperativelor Agricole
Prof. Dr. Adrian Oros
Prorector USAMV Cluj-Napoca, fost Ministru al Agriculturii si Dezvoltarii Rurale
Prof. Dr. Valeriu Tabără
Președinte ASAS
Micu Marius
Vicepreședinte COPA- Comitetul Organizațiilor Profesionale Agricole
Cosmin Moldovan
Președintele CA al Moldovan Carmangerie
Claudiu Necșulescu
Președinte ONIV, Proprietar al Grupului Jidvei
Marcelus Suciu
CEO Grupul Marty Restaurants
Ştefan Pădure
Preşedinte - Asociația pentru Promovarea Alimentului Românesc
Liviu Baltă
CEO Colina Farms
Alina Baba
Manager Grupul de Actiune Locala Napoca Porolissum
Ștefan Gadola
Președintele Organizației Patronale HoReCa Cluj-Napoca
Narcis Pintea
CEO NarCheese
Delia Fazakas
Manager - Grupul de Acțiune Locală Lider Bistrita-Nasaud
Ionuț-Lucian Cercel
Președinte GAL Crivățul de Sud-Est
Florentin Bercu
Director executiv UNCSV
Dr. Iulia Drăguț
Președintele Asociației Culturale Euro Est Alternativ
Dr. Ing. Valentin Adrian Bâlteanu
USAMV Cluj Napoca
Veronica Baciu
Director general Agentia Nationala a Zonei Montane - Ministerul Agriculturii si Dezvoltarii Rurale
Gabriela Gîrboan
Project Manager
Silviu Ponoran
Primar Zlatna, Presedinte ITI "Moții Țara de piatră"
Călin Fărgaciu
Membru fondator Somes Aries Cooperativa Agricola
Stephanie Potok
INRAE - France
Jaques Mery
INRAE - France
Jose Martinez
Director public policy INRAE - France
Ion Toncea
Presedinte Federatia Nationale Agricultura Ecologica
Lianu Costin
Presedinte Inter Bio
Miklós Nagy
Presedinte Asociatia Bioagricultorilor din Romania Bioterra
Aurel Petrus
Vicepresedinte Asociatia Bioagricultorilor din Romania Bioterra, Fermier Ecologic
Vákár István
Vicepreședinte Consiliul Județean Cluj
Viorel Morărescu
Director Directia Politici , Sectorul Vegetal (MADR)
Vasile Stoleru
Prorector Univ. de Științele Vieții "Ion Ionescu de la Brad" Iași
Marian Cioceanu
Presedinte Bio Romania
Dr. Ing. Piroska Lőrincz
fost Director SC Ecoinspect SRL
Tanczos Barna
Senator, fost Ministru al Mediului, Apelor și Pădurilor
Bogdan Negrescu
Business Development Manager Turma
Viviana Bandol
Agentia Nationala a Zonei Montane
Remus Ionuț Ilieș
GAL Valea Someșului
Ioana Turean
GAL Podișul Mediașului
Ciobanu Viorica
Asociația Meșterilor Populari Clujeni
Liliana Ciobanu
Director general - SC ECOCERT SRL București
Roxana Vidican
Decan - Facultatea de Agricultură, USAMV Cluj-Napoca
Dr. ing. Csaba Sebestyén
Președinte - Asociația Agricultorilor Maghiari din România
Dr. ing. Viorel Gherciu
Fost Ministru al Agriculturii și Industriei Alimentare, Republica MOLDOVA
Dr. László PALIK
Director general - SC Biocentrum SRL, SLOVACIA
Delia Șelaru
GAL Lider Bistrița-Năsăud
Media partners
   Calea Mănăştur 3-5, 400372, Cluj-Napoca
Contact us for more information regarding attendance, partnerships or whatever else related to the event.
© 2024 Transilvania Food Summit